MoCCA Fest 2014 in NYC

Over the weekend, I tabled at MoCCA Fest in NYC with my illustration buddies. This was my third year displaying my work at MoCCA but this time I wasn't tabling with my college. Here's a picture of the table. Image


I sold copies of my new book Conjured Thoughts as well as many copies of Goblin Guild. The monster stickers were also a popular product I sold. Since Goblin Guild was a successful book I created, I started to create another book this time about the Iron Halls, the great empire of Dwarves of Orbis. I'm hoping that I might be able to get the book done in time for Asbury Park Comic Con this weekend since I have a few finished ink drawings already done. But if not, it will definitely be done for Free Comic Book Day.

The strangest part of MoCCA was a giant Macy's Day balloon of Charlie Brown was inflated in the armory. It was crazy how big a parade balloon is till its about 5 feet above your head. The whole weekend the balloon deflated and it was freaky to have the balloon's foot drawing closer to hitting the table. But a big thank you to the ballon coordinators from keeping the balloon from killing us.



I had a great time meeting people at MoCCA including some Twitter and Tumblr people. I was lucky that Saturday was my birthday so I had extra spending money to get some awesome books at the convention. Check them out.


I also got to meet James Kochalka, who signed my copy of The Glorkian Warrior Delivers a Pizza, which was awesome because he has so many great comics.

This upcoming weekend is Asbury Comic Con, its Saturday and Sunday, and I will be tabling with my sister Claire. I look forward to the convention since I've shown at all the conventions they've had so far and made a lot of awesome friends.

MoCCA Fest 2014



This weekend is MoCCA fest in NYC. I'll be there at table C9 with fellow illustrators Claire Connelly, Ginette Montoya, and Hannah Scherba. We all have a bunch of cool stuff created for MoCCA like Hannah's tote bags, Claire's graphic novels, and Ginette's book of fears.


I'll have new 11x14 prints of some of my digital pieces as well as stickers of some of the monsters I've created over the past month or so. There will also be copies of Goblin Guild and WARG. But what I am most excited about is my new book Conjured Thoughts: Volume 1, a collection of my work from the past year. So stop by my table C9 at MoCCa for a chat.


Monster Monday- March 31, 2014

  Jackalope_color_FinalThis week is all about getting ready for MoCCA Fest in NYC. Here is a Jackalope I created as one of the designs for stickers I sell. I didn't want it to be a fluffy happy rabbit, so I added scruffier fur, sharp teeth, and dark brown hair elements.

If you are interested in getting a copy of my book, Conjured Thoughts: Volume 1, attend a con or shop visit that I'm attending. During May or June, I might open a store to make prints and books available.

Asbury Park Comic Con and MoCCA

The past 2 weekends was extremely busy. I had Asbury Comic Con one weekend and the next weekend was MoCCA. Luckily Asbury Park Comic Con is down the street from my house ad I didn't have to deal with public transportation like I had to for MoCCA.

photo by Maggie Connelly

Claire ( and I shared a table. This is our 3rd time exhibiting at Asbury Park Comic Con and have been there since it's beginning in a small bowling alley down the street from convention hall. This year was the biggest con yet and had a great time meeting new faces and sharing my work. Next year is going to be even bigger, with a new location and many exhibitors. 


Over the past weekend, my school had a table at MoCCA fest in New York City. Claire and I split half the table with our classmates. Chris Gash, one of the head illustration professors, got my school the table for all of us to share. It was great to have people recognize my work from the internet as well as other cons I have attended. The weekend was very busy but was worth it.


I got a lot of cool books and prints while at MoCCa. I am really excited to spend the week reading the books I got and displaying the prints I bought. If you live near New York, MoCCA is a great con to attend to get indie books and hand made products. 

On Free Comic Book Day, I will be at The Comic Shop in Wilmington DE with my finished Senior Thesis and prints from my book along with my sketch book 'Conjured Thoughts' and comic 'Warg'. Hope to see you then