Monster Monday- December 9, 2013


I experimented more with the pastel pencil over the past week. It's been a little stressful with the semester ending, I'm finally going to graduate. So I took a little time from class work to sit down and just draw something. Of course, I drew a tree folk...sorry (not really). Trees are just interesting, they have interesting shapes that can be molded into faces and distorted anatomy. Plus it's always fun to play with texture.

Still Life



I don't often share my non-illustration work, but this still life does connect to illustration in a way. For my Drawing 2 class, we had an assignment to draw a still life with drawings, paintings, and objects in a single image. The assignment leant itself as a way to document my current work in a non-photographic approach. I collect the objects and proceeded to create a composition. Pencil rendering isn't something I normally do, so it was a challenge to cross hatch the piece.

I figured I would share work I don't normally create on my own time.